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Korea ranks 10th worldwide in autonomous vehicle readiness index

According to Yonhap News,

(SEOUL=Yonhap News) Korea ranks 10th among major economies in the world in terms of the autonomous vehicle (AV) readiness index, a report showed Monday.

According to the recent report from global accounting and consulting giant KPMG International, Korea has received a total score of 20.71 points in the index, the 10th highest among the United States, Japan, Germany and 17 other major countries.

The index measures which countries are most prepared for self-driving cars and covers four categories -- policy and legislation, technology and innovation, infrastructure and consumer acceptance.

Korea placed fourth in infrastructure with 6.32 points, 14th in policy and legislation with 5.78 points, ninth in technology and innovation with 4.24 points, and 11th in consumer acceptance with 4.38 points.

Korea received a relatively high score in terms of policy and legislation thanks to the government's active investment in the test operation of self-driving vehicles and other infrastructure.

But Asia's fourth-largest economy scored low in terms of consumer acceptance because of its limited test runs and consumers' poor preparedness for technological changes.

The Netherlands topped the list with 27.73 points, followed by Singapore with 26.08 points and the United States with 24.75 points. Among Asian countries, Japan ranked 11th with 20.28 points and China placed 16th with 13.94 points.

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Source: Yonhap News (Feb. 5, 2018)
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