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Korea eyes IR sessions in Malaysia, Singapore

According to Yonhap News,

(SEOUL=Yonhap News) Korea will hold a series of investor relations (IR) sessions in Malaysia and Singapore this week in a bid to lure foreign investment, the commerce ministry said Tuesday.

The IR sessions, slated for Wednesday through Friday, come as Korea is redoubling efforts to export more goods to the Southeast Asian nations.

During the session, Korea will make a pitch on its strong points, such as its innovative industrial climate, its business platform that connects Asia's fourth-largest economy with 77 percent of the world market through free trade deals and its strong cultural content represented by the popularity of Korean pop culture abroad, the ministry said.

In particular, sovereign wealth funds and other financial investors will be briefed on Korea's regional development projects, small and medium-sized enterprises seeking foreign investment, and promising takeover targets.

In Malaysia, one-on-one sessions will be held with the country's sovereign wealth fund, pension and other funds, consumer goods companies wanting to invest in Korea and investors interested in investing in the Korean property

The ministry added it will hold a business roundtable with investment banks, private equity funds, manufacturing companies and renewable energy firms.

Malaysia and Singapore saw their combined investment in Korea soar to US$9.22 billion between 2013-17 from $2.91 billion a decade earlier, according to the ministry.

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Source: Yonhap News (Feb. 27, 2018)
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