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Gov't to Nurture 800 Experts in Nuclear Sector

According to Yonhap News,

(SEOUL=Yonhap News) The South Korean government plans to nurture some 800 experts in the nuclear sector by 2021, with the focus on enhancing the safety of nuclear plants and decommissioning efforts, the ICT ministry said Monday.

According to the plan finalized by the Ministry of Science and ICT, the government will first inject 1.6 billion won (US$1.41 million) this year in partnership with universities.

The plan is focused on enhancing the safety of nuclear plant operations and securing core technologies necessary for decommissioning nuclear facilities, officials said.

"The government will provide support so that the experts in the sector can be nurtured and support future nuclear technologies, such as safety and decommissioning," said Choi Won-ho, an ICT ministry official.

In order to push forward such goals, Seoul will also designate two institutions that will focus on conducting research into safely decommissioning reactors and nuclear waste management.

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Source: Yonhap News (July 23, 2018)

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