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KOTRA hosts Korea-Uzbekistan Business Partnership

According to Yonhap News,

(SEOUL=Yonhap News) The Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) announced on April 21 that it co-hosted "Korea-Uzbekistan Business Partnership" event with the Korea Chamber of Commerce in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on April 19, during the President Moon's state visit to Uzbekistan.

During the event, 43 Korean SMEs had 308 one-on-one business meetings with 164 Uzbekistan companies.

AHA Information & Communication, specialized in educational equipment, signed a MOU with local partners on exporting E-board programs during the event.

AHA has fulfilled corporate responsibilities (CSR) as a global company in the country, in such ways as donating educational smart tables to the government. Building on that, AHA is entering the Uzbekistan market at a time when Korea's ICT becomes matched with local policy demand.

Jisung Engineering, a manufacturer of disposable medical devices production facilities, signed export agreements and MOU worth USD 5 million with two local partners in line with the Uzbek government's policy to improve medical environment.

Besides, three export agreements have been signed in the agricultural field--the Uzbek government is fostering as export industry-- including grain color sorter and drying machine for agricultural products.

KOTRA President Kwon Pyung-oh said, "To seek sustainable economic cooperation, we need to look for various channels such as loan, grant, local CSR, and public procurement," adding that "we will provide active support so that this business partnership can lead to discovering of local demand for cooperation in the region and Korean companies' practical business results."

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Source: Yonhap News (April 21, 2019)

** This article was translated from Korean.

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