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Yeoncheon BIX passed a central investment review with a target to complete construction by 2021

According to Yonhap News,

(INCHEON=Yonhap News) On July 3, Yeoncheon-gun, Gyeonggi Province announced that Yeoncheon BIX project, pushed to revitalize backward regional economy, has passed regional finance central investment review.

As a result, Yeoncheon BIX project gained the momentum.

Yeoncheon-gun and Gyeonggi Urban Innovation Corporation (GUIC) will invest KRW 118.8 billion on the site of 600,000 square meters around Tonghyun-ri, Eundae-ri of Yeoncheon-up to build an industrial complex by 2021.

In Yeoncheon BIX, one-hundred residential houses, a corporate support center to support management of tenant companies, and a joint logistics center will be moved in.

Yeoncheon-gun and GUIC plant to let the lots of the industrial complex for sales from next year, to attract about 60 companies.

Yeoncheon-gun expects the industrial complex to create 1,500 jobs and make more than KRW 400 billion production effects, contributing to revitalization of the economy and influx of population.

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Source: Yonhap News (July 3, 2019)

** This article was translated from Korean.

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