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Public notice to be announced to attract new tenants at Busan New Port Ungdong Hinterland

According to Yonhap News,

(BUSAN=Yonhap News) On August 16, the Busan Port Authority said it will commence the process of selecting new companies to move into Ungdong Hinterland Complex at Busan New Port late September.

The site concerned is 181,409 sq. meters in the phase 1 Ungdong Hinterland Complex. It was planned for office and convenience facilities, but the purpose changed for complex logistical and manufacturing facilities in the 3rd Port Hinterland Complex Development Plan in December 2017, by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries.

The Busan Port Authority plans to attract two or three companies.

If three companies are to move in, the lease area per company would be 50,820 to 79,550 sq. meters. If two companies are to move in, it will be 79,770 to 101,640 sq. meters per company.

To facilitate additional logistical activities, the Authority expanded the minimum lease area.

The minimum area for existing companies in the Hinterland Complex at Busan New Port is 16,500 sq. meters (North Container Hinterland Complex)-33,000 sq. meters (Ungdong Hinterland Complex).

The Authority will select the companies by public tender.

It will make announcement late September, and select a preferred bidder after reviewing project plans submitted by applicants in around January next year.

The criteria for selection include project capability, performance and plan of foreign cargo and creating added-values, and employment plan.

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Source: Yonhap News (August 16, 2019)

** This article was translated from Korean.

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