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KITA opened an ROK-Vietnam online trade show

According to Yonhap News,

Korea International Trade Association (KITA) announced the opening of an “ROK-Vietnam trade show” hosted online on May 29.

The matchmaking event ran a virtual meeting where 10 local SMEs producing cosmetics, baby products, processed foods and dietary supplements meet with 23 Vietnamese business partners with interpretation service free of charge.

Each participants, both in Korea and in Vietnam, were connected to their counterpart, while staying in their office by logging into an interactive computer system that enables video conferencing. Those working for KITA, who took a role in matching potential buyers and sellers, and interpreters stood by and signed in the platform when they’re ready at the business consulting booth separately set up in Coex.

An official said “Health authorities’ quarantine efforts to get the contagious disease completely under control have become model examples for others to take away from this pandemic as the country dropped the new cases of community infections to almost zero for six weeks in a row since last Apr. 16. If concerns over the community infection start to disappear as the virus abates, consumer confidence is highly likely to tell us the vibe in the economy, definitely good news to local markets to retain growth momentum.”

Another official added that “The association will spare no efforts to help our economy bottom out and start to catch a business rebound by making full use of global networks and online marketing platforms that we’ve developed so far.”.

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Source: Yonhap News (May 28, 2020)

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