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Types of Foreign Enterprises (FIE)

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  • Types of Foreign Enterprises (FIE)
The Commercial Act recognizes five types of corporations: unlimited partnership companies, limited partnership companies, limited liability companies, limited companies, and stock companies. The most common types of foreign-invested companies in Korea are limited companies and stock companies.

Stock Companies

Shareholders who have invested in a company hold limited liability of their investment amount. Transfer of stocks is easy. Corporate bonds can be issued, and stocks can be listed.
Most domestic corporations choose this type.

Limited Companies

Partners hold limited liability of their investment amount only, thus, do not hold responsibility to creditors. Transfer of shares may be restricted under the articles of association.
As limited companies were previously exempted from external audits, many foreign-invested companies, that were reluctant to disclose company information, chose this type. Limited companies, however, are now subject to audits according to an amendment of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on External Audit of Stock Companies(November, 2018).

Comparison of Stock Companies and Limited Companies

Comparison of Stock Companies and Limited Companies : Stock Company, Limited Company
Stock Company Limited Company
Purpose Suitable for large companies;
easy to invite shareholders
Suitable for SMEs;
composed of minority with mutual trust
Minimum Investment Amount No restrictions
(KRW 100 million in the case of FDI)
Same as for stock companies
Equity Unit KRW 100 or more Same as for stock companies
Transfer of Capital No restrictions Approval by general meeting of partners required
Issuance of Bonds Yes No
Board of Directors Yes No
Number of Directors At least 3 directors
(at least 1 director when total capital is less than KRW 1 billion)
At least 1 director
Number of Auditors Required
(except when total capital is less than KRW 1 billion and a non-investment executive is listed)
Listing Yes No