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Saemangeum Renewable Energy Project Seminar to be Held at Gunsan City Hall

According to Yonhap News,

(GUNSAN=Yonhap News) Jeonbuk-do Province, Gunsan City and Saemangeum Development and Investment Agency will jointly hold a seminar for the residents on the project to build Saemangeum Renewable Energy Cluster on November 27 at Gunsan City Hall.

During Saemangeum Renewable Energy Vision Declaration Ceremony held on October 30, the government, Jeonbuk-do and Saemangeum Development and Investment Agency have announced that they will create a 3GW-class solar energy complex in Saemangeum and a 1GW-class marine wind power complex near Gunsan.

The seminar will be attended by residents and experts and have presentations on renewable energy projects and Q&A session.

Jeonbuk-do will announce its plan to establish the cluster and Saemangeum Development and Investment Agency will elaborate renewable energy projects and measures to promote development of Saemangeum.

The head of the Agency will have a Q&A session to answer questions from the residents.

"We are reviewing diversified ways to give back benefits from the mega renewable energy projects," said a county officer. "We will have more seminars for the future projects to collect feedback from the residents."

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** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Yonhap News (November 22, 2018)