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Invest KOREA Bulletin December 2013
investkorea bulletin
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We've compiled a list of recent new investors in Korea

Foreign Company News, IK News, Regional FDI News, Korea News...
- Dow Corning to Increase Investment in Korea
- Appeal of Investing in Korea Draws Major Foreign Investors to FIW 2013
- Governor of South Jeolla Province Promotes Foreign Investment Into Korea in U.S.
- Korea 7th Easiest Country to Do Business

Diagnosis for Medical Tourism: Promising
Korea's medical tourism industry is poised to lead the growth of tourism in Korea

Providing TRU Technologies & Services
TRUMPF Korea has grown over the past 15 years as a supplier of machine technologies

A Team Approach to Healthcare
GE Healthcare Korea is advancing into new medical segments and innovating with Korea

Unfair Standards Tarnish Korea's Investment Climate

The Foreign Investment Ombudsman resolved a situation in which a company faced double standards trying to resume business after a tragedy

2014 Proposed Tax Amendments: Part I

An Introduction to the Investment Aftercare Division

Re-investment of Won-Currency Funds & Residual Liquidated Assets

Ulsan, Your Successful Partner for Global Business

Ulsan, the Industrial Capital of South Korea

Korea's economic indicators at a glance, plus a notable number of the month