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Daegu Set up Trade Office in Ho Chi Minh City

According to Yonhap News,

(DAEGU=Yonhap News) Daegu Metropolitan City opened an office in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, which will serve as an outpost for export and trade with the country.

It is the second overseas office set up by the city, following the first one opened in Shanghai, China in January 2013.

Daegu earlier entered into a friendly city agreement with Ho Chi Minh City in May last year to forge a strategic partnership with the Vietnam's largest city before opening an office there.

The newly established office will support business and trade affairs of companies based in Daegu.

The trade office has been set up as the volume of export and investment between two regions grows over time. It will gather information, conduct market research, identify potential investors, and facilitate tourism and cultural exchange.

"We are expanding exchanges with Ho Chi Minh City in education, high-tech industries, tourism, medicine and culture," said Daegu Metropolitan City Mayor Kwon Young-jin. "We opened the office in expectation that enhanced partnership with the city will give a boost to the economy."

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Source: Yonhap News (Oct. 11, 2016)
** This article was translated from the Korean.