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Daegu Chamber of Commerce Holds Information Session on Vietnam Market Entry

According to Yonhap News,

(DAEGU=Yonhap News) On June 11, Daegu announced it will hold an information session on strategies to enter Vietnamese market on June 20 at the Daegu Chamber of Commerce.

The session will include a status report on Vietnam's key industries and markets, strategies for the Korea-Vietnam FTA, on-site marketing tips, overview of investment-related tax laws and a Q&A.

Vietnam's imports and exports rose 15.8% last year, the second highest of all countries in an FTA with Korea.

The Daegu Chamber of Commerce will hold the information session to support regional companies that are becoming more prominent on the global stage due to increased trade with Vietnam.

The Daegu Chamber of Commerce is taking applications from companies that wish to participate in the information session on their website.

They are also planning to host information sessions for market entry into ASEAN and the U.S.

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** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Yonhap News (June 11, 2018)