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Daegu's Beauty Industry to Target China and Japan

According to Yonhap News,

(DAEGU=Yonhap News) Beauty products from Daegu are introduced in exhibitions and export business meetings in China and Japan to seek opportunities to enter the market.

China and Japan are two of the three largest cosmetics markets in the world following the United States.

Daegu Techno Park said on September 13 that the Oriental Medicine Industry Support Center participated in the export business meeting in Tokyo, Japan on September 11. 50 buyers had meetings worth JPY 380 million.

At the China International Beauty Expo held in Guangzhou from September 2 to 4, 6 companies including Daeryu and Sweet Orange participated and had 85 meetings worth USD 4 million.

"Japan is a traditional cosmetics powerhouse and China has local brands that are growing rapidly, but we will try to secure the market by taking geographical advantage," said Park Jin-seok, the head of the Support Center.

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** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Yonhap News (September 13, 2018)