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Daegu International Airport to have annual visitors of more than 4 million

According to Yonhap News,

(DAEGU=Yonhap News) Daegu International Airport seems to have annual visitors of more than 4 million.

According to the Korea Airports Corporation (KAC) on December 26, the number of visitors to Daegu International Airport reached 3.98 million by 25th of December.

People using domestic airlines totaled 1.98 million, and international airlines totaled 1.99 million; the numbers are up 15.6 percent from last year.

KAC predicted that the number of visitors to the airport would surpass 4 million by 27th and reach around 4.05 million by the end of this year.

The airport was always in a deficit, until it had turned to a surplus airport since 2016.

However, problems remain as the airport terminal has reached its capacity limit while the number of tourists visiting the airport is increasing. The insufficient parking space is also a problem as well.

KAC Daegu Branch will hold a ceremony to celebrate the annual visitors of 4 million at the airport arrivals lobby on the first floor, at 10:40 am on 27th.

It will present an international round-trip ticket and flowers to the 4 millionth visitor.

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** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Yonhap News (December 26, 2018)