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International Green Energy Expo in Daegu was visited by 30,000 people

According to Yonhap News,

(DAEGU=Yonhap News) The 16th International Green Energy Expo was visited by 30,000 people.

Daegu city said on April 7 that the Expo held in EXCO, Buk-gu for three days starting from April 3 was visited by 32,500 people, an increase of 7.6 % from the previous year (30,210).

The Expo was co-hosted by Daeju city and Gyeongbuk-do, and organized by five associations including the Korea New & Renewable Energy, KOTRA, and EXCO.

About 300 companies from 27 countries around the world participated to share the latest technologies in photovoltaic, energy storage system, and smart grid fields.

Mayor of Daegu city said, "We generated a lot of opportunities such as information sharing between companies, and contact with foreign buyers," adding that "we will keep making efforts to foster this EXPO into a professional business exhibition."

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** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Yonhap News (April 7, 2019)