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Daegu's textile and door hardware industries to receive KRW 1.1 billion support

According to Yonhap News,

(DAEGU=Yonhap News) Daeju's two projects have been selected for the government's Regional Innovation System (RIS).

On May 19, "2019 Regional Innovation System" run by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and local governments, selected Daegu's textile materials and products for sports & leisure clothing, and door hardware manufacturing industries.

The two projects will receive KRW 560 million each (KRW 1.12 billion in total), to manufacture prototype, improve design, and conduct marketing and testing & certification.

In case of textile materials and product industry, Korea Dyeing and Finishing Technology Institute (DYETEC) is to organize, with participation of the Korea Textile Development Institute(KTDI), to turn the textile industry into multi-functioning and high-performing materials industry.

They will provide a customized and packaged support program in line with a life cycle and technological capabilities of manufacturing companies who have technological competitive promising items.

In case of door hardware manufacturing industry, Daegu Mechatronices & Materials Institute is to organize, with participation of Korea Conformity Laboratories (KCL) to support manufacturing of prototype, advancing of products, and marketing activities.

By doing so, it will help companies respond to changing technology trends and market demands, while increasing their competitiveness and added-values.

A Daegu city official said, "We expect to see an increase in revenues of Daegu companies and creation of jobs through technology development and packaged support through RIS ."

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** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Yonhap News (June 10, 2019)