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DGMC sold machine & auto parts worth KRW 15.2 billion overseas last year

According to Yonhap News,

Daegu Gyoengbuk Machinery Cooperative (DGMC) announced on Jan. 7 that 11 local enterprises in the city of Daegu made a success story, selling tons of machine & auto parts worth USD 13.09 million to 10 global buyers in seven different countries. The achievement went slightly over a hundred percent, what they’ve aimed to meet in the first place.

DGMC has long been helping the city and the businesses involved enhance capacity to further increase output since 2016. They’ve strategically split business into two parts- automotive business which include auto parts, architecture, fine machinery on the one hand, and non- auto business covering agricultural machines and textile machines on the other- for successful marketing to host biz- consulting service or international expos.

An official working for DGMC said “This is an amazing accomplishment we’ve made, despite a trade slowdown in Korea. We’ve lost the output nearly 10 percent from a year earlier. I can say it’s a great success.”

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Source:Yonhap News (Jan. 7, 2020)

*This article was translated from Korean.