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Daegu city runs an ad to work with agencies to help local startups

According to Yonhap News,

The city of Daegu and Korean Institute of Startup and Entrepreneurship Development selected three agencies, responsible for the management of startup support programs, what’s called ‘Tips’, to help small, local businesses with full potential. Tips is a biz-matching service which connects would be entrepreneurs to private investors or public R&D institutions.

The agencies provides cash grants as much as KRW 16 million on average for each startup, along with biz- consulting service. Personalized subsequent support programs designed by each growth stage are also available for those who’ve joined the service. Last year alone, the agencies raised nearly KRW 2.14 billion worth investment, while securing a KRW 3.5 billion national subsidy by helping five local startups.

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Source: Yonhap News (Feb. 3, 2020)

*This article was translated from Korean.