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Daegu city to run a business evaluation project targeting RFZ

According to Yonhap News,

A city-led business feasibility study to scope out four separate projects, what’s called “Daegu Smart Wellness RFZ (regulation free zone)” will be underway starting from July. The city opened a public hearing on May 7 to unveil the outline of the project, aiming to promote healthcare technology consolidation for cross sector collaboration.
Nearly 35 enterprises (14 candidates who moved into the place from outside included) that have newly resettled in the local RFZ, since the city’s appointment of the zone last August, will become the target this time to look for greater business opportunities by the end of August next year.

Smart clinical testing, management platform business undergoes the business evaluation process in July with tools found everywhere in our daily life such as first aid kit or electrocardiograph. IoT-based healthcare data service platform will also be assessed in the RFZ IN July as well. Receiving unidentified medical data from hospitals, the RFZ develops clinically applicable AI systems to distribute associated businesses.
Plus, they study recycling methods to reuse discarded fat cells, dumped almost 100 tons per year, to make implantable bones and tissues.
The RFZ also tries to run a new business model by sharing factory spaces, owned by multiple entrepreneurs. The place is expected to enable 3D rendering process, an innovation to make transplantable medical devices.

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Source: Yonhap News (May 7 , 2020)

** This article was translated from Korean.