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Daegu & Gyeongbuk SME agency selected 36 local hidden champions

According to Yonhap News,

SMEs and Startup agency, Daegu & Gyeongbuk office picked 36 local hidden champions (21 in Daegu city and 15 in North Gyeongsang Province) in the first half of this year. These 36 small but strong performers are entitled to receive a package of incentives such as marketing programs, financial aid to boost export and favorable exchange rate from a group of government bodies including KOTRA, the SME ministry and Korea SMEs and Startup Agency (KOSME) over the next two years.

After careful deliberation by a committee, a support group to help local exporters, the selectees were chosen, going through a course of assessment process. The committee consists of representatives of 14 public institutions-the city of Daegu, North Gyeingsang Province, Korea International Trade Association, the Export-Import Bank of Korea and SME agency.

An official said “Those who couldn’t place their names on the list this time, can try again in October. We’re looking forward to seeing more competent local enterprises to join the service.”

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Source: Yonhap News (Jun 30 , 2020)

** This article was translated from Korean.