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Daegu Tech-Biz Center, local biz-hub launched its operation on Nov 3

According to Yonhap News,

A local startup hub, Daegu Tech-Biz Center, opened on Nov 3 in the city of Daegu. With KRW31 billion city budgets, the six story building with a sub-basement was established on a 6,000㎡ site near Dalseong-gun in Daegu city.

The center has meeting rooms (named co-working space) and amenities to enjoy on the first floor, with business space and biz-support room on the second-six floors.

Currently, promising SMEs such as drones, platforms, biotechnology, and automobile parts manufacturing industries are moving in, and holding companies that discover and invest in promising companies are also scheduled to move in.

Daegu City is inviting companies transferring technologies for public good, research institutes, companies, etc., and is discussing ways to provide incentives for technology commercialization to companies with their own research and development (R & D) capacity.

At the inauguration ceremony of the center at the presence of 50 representatives of public-private sectors, the City Government Deputy Mayor for Economic Policy said “We expect that the center could take the role of local business hub, helping technology commercialization and tech-startups to bring epoch-making changes to the regional economy and industrial structure.”

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Source: Yonhap News (Nov 2, 2020)