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Water cluster’s exports rise 1.7 times in Q3-4, 2020

According to Yonhap News,

The environment ministry and Korea Environment Corporation, K-eco, said on Dec 20 that the total sales turnover and exports in Q3-4, 2020, of businesses residing in the national water cluster located in Daegu city increased by 1.2 times and 1.7 times respectively, compared to that of Q1-2 this year.

According to data released by the environment ministry, 32 enterprises based in the water cluster reached KRW 98.2 billion in total in gross sales this year. Q3-4 sales revenue is reported to total KRW 54 billion, a 1.2 fold jump from Q1-2’s KRW 44.2 billion. The figure reported is a remarkable achievement given the COVID-19- induced economic fallout which has pushed businesses worldwide into a deep recession.

Despite the full of negative externalities triggered by the pandemic, sales of residents’ in the water cluster appear to be on an upward spiral. 32 businesses have already added 76 new jobs in these tough times of the crisis.

By rolling out COVID-19 biz-relief options and online trade fair programs, the water cluster has been completed KRW 22 billion worth of four separate national-scale research projects with its residents.

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Source: Yonhap News (Dec 20, 2020)

** This article was translated from Korean.