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Daegu city- KGC to form ‘K-R&D Campus’ in 2024

According to Yonhap News,

A project to form what’s called ‘K-R&D Campus’, a facility to become the next growth driver in the community, was recently confirmed by the board of directors of Korea Gas Corporation (KGC).
Daegu city and KGC said on Jan 6 that both funnel the cost of the construction which totals KRW l90 billion into the formation of the campus on a 26,113㎡ site right in front of the KGC ‘s Daegu office by the end of 2024.
The campus is reported to accommodate R&D labs, Technical Center, Biz-center, marketing & branding space for visitor experience etc., adding amenities where commercial-tech support facilities are agglomerated.
KGC is set to organize a taskforce to handle the project, going through a set of process from planning to land purchase for groundworks prior to the start of the construction.

The campus is anticipated to bring KRW 28.75 billion in production inducing effect over the next decade, adding 1,725 new jobs to the community.

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Source: Yonhap News (Jan 6, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.