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Daegu city to scale up HuStar program

According to Yonhap News,

The city of Daegu announced the scaling up of its pilot project, called ‘HuStar’, on Feb 15 designed to foster and pool a wealth of young talents to drive future growth in robotics, water business, future mobility, bio-healthcare and ICT sectors etc. Under such initiatives, the city set a target to boost local employment rate up to 80%.

To push for the plan, the city government is set to newly open up five separate training courses customized for each candidate in Hustar Innovation Academy, accompanying HR training programs and job fairs.

In addition, 210 students who’ve completed the 3rd grade curriculum are provided with corporate internship, shadowing and mentorship programs that will guide students to work experience tailored to their career goals.

In association with the Interior ministry’s Youth Career Training and Exploration Program, Daegu city gives preferential priority and financial incentives to cover labor costs to those who hire new employees for up to a year.

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Source: Yonhap News (Feb 15, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.