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Daegu announed a direction to foster the robot industry....create Korean-style robot convergence cluster

According to Newsis,

Daegu City announced a 'Direction to foster Daegu Robot Project' to foster a Korean-style robot convergence cluster on the occasion of Prime Minister's visit to the Korea Institute for Robot Industry Advancement (KIRIA) located in Dalseong-gu, Daegu-si on September 9.    

Daegu City has been strongly pushing for policies to foster the robot industry, such as attracting the KIRIA, creating a robot industry cluster, establishing a demonstration base for 5G-based advanced manufacturing robots, and designating a regulation-free special zone for mobile manipulators. With the success of attracting national robot test-field in August, it has a full-cycle support system for robot industry.

The concept of Korean-style robot convergence cluster is to provide the entire city of Daegu as a test-bed for the robot industry by expanding the foundation for robot and upstream/downstream industries based on the full-cycle robot support system the city owns.

It consists of the creation of a K-robot platform that fosters companies in materials, parts and SW of robots, expanding  demand for robots in the public, medical, logistics, and entertainment sectors, and expanding the foundation of robot industry by fostering manpower and enhancing global cooperation.

Daegu City plans to actively work to pass the preliminary feasibility test of the national robot test field, while hammering out details of the Korean-style robot convergence cluster plan.

To this end, Daegu-si requested special attention and support from the government for the passage of the preliminary feasibility test of the national robot test field innovation project.

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Source: Newsis (September 9, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.