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Darkhan Berdaliyev Kazakhstan Ambassador to Korea to be Honorary Citizen of Daegu
제목 없음

According to Yonhap News,


Darkhan Berdaliyev Kazakhstan Ambassador to Korea and Susannah Mary Younger, a social worker from the U.K. will be honorary citizens of Daegu.


Daegu City said on February 24th that it would confer honorary citizenship to them at Daegu City Hall on February 25th.


Darkhan Berdaliyev Kazakhstan Ambassador to Korea has supported exchange between Daegu and Almaty, since they forged a sisterhood relationship. Especially, the ambassador significantly contributed to ‘Almaty Culture Day’ held at Daegu in the second half of last year.


Ms. Susannah Mary Younger first came to Korea as a Catholic missionary in 1959, and has been devoted to protecting the human rights of the marginalized citizens and improving welfare of teenagers.


Daegu City introduced honorary citizenship to foreigners in 1964 and has conferred honorary citizenship to 61 people including 39 foreigners.


Source Text


Source: Yonhap News (Feb. 24, 2011)


**This is an English translation of a Korean news article.