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DGFEZA Held an Investment Session

The Daegu Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Authority (DGFEZA) invited Japanese parts and materials businesses for an investment information session Monday.

The session, hosted by the Korea Core Industrial Technology Investment Association, was a part of programs for Japanese parts and materials companies’ visit to Korea.

Around ten companies including Sanyo Electric Wire and Nano tech from Tokyo, Saitama, Osaka and Chiba visited Korea from June 10.

The companies visited DGFEZA on the first day and the Pohang and the Busan-Jinhae part and material complex next day.

DGFEZA held a session on the region’s investment environment with customized promotion activities such as visit to the Youngcheon high-tech parts and materials industrial complex.

DGFEZA emphasized its clusters of advanced parts and materials businesses in Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province, outstanding technology and experienced workers to promote that the area is the best destination for investment.

Japanese companies expressed interest with DGFEZA’s high willingness for support as well as excellent infrastructure, differentiated incentive programs and one-stop administrative support.

DGFEZ Commissioner Choi Byung-rok noted that DGFEZ will hold more active promotion activities targeting Japanese companies which are likely to invest.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (June 10, 2013)

** This article was translated from the Korean.