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Daegu to Push Health Promotion Project

According to Yonhap News,

(DAEGU = Yonhap News) The city of Daegu is set to push a public health promotion project.

The city will organize the “total health promotion project supporting committee”, which is comprised of 25 health experts including professors of medical colleges, and hold the first meeting on March 14 at the city hall building.

By merging 13 different health promotion projects carried out by local health centers, the project aims to provide customized health services reflect the regional characteristics.

The supporting committee will establish the direction of the total health promotion project, analyze the citizens’ health problems, support health promotion-related technologies and provide health educations.

“We will give our best to help our citizens keep healthy lifestyle to avoid diseases and by so improve the quality of their lives,” said a city official.

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Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Mar. 13, 2014)

** This article was translated from the Korean.