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GIST develops IoT cyber attack blocking technology and applies for US patent

According to Yonhap News,

A research team at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology) GIST announced on Dec. 14 that it developed a new authentification method to fend off cyber replay attacks targeting the Internet of Things (IoT).

The cyber replay attack, which is generally difficult to block, involves eavesdropping on communications exchanged by users and sending them back.

The research team devised a way of combining 'PUF (Physical Unclonable Function)' measured from an IoT device and 'CSI (Crypto Trading Platform)' collected from a wireless telecommunication channel.

As humans' fingerprints vary, the channel state information also differs since physical environment characteristics are reflected in the information.

The team evaluated the performance of certifying one's identity in response to a replay attack, a new method was proved to block all the authentification attempts by attackers.

Professor Hwang Eui-seok at GIST and his students received the minister prize from the Ministry of Science and ICT in November. Also, they applied for a US patent for the relevant technology.

On Dec. 17 to 29, the finding will be presented at the Big Data-related international symposium held in Osaka, Japan.

Prof. Hwang said, "Any cyber attack on IoTs could cause social disruptions. Creating a security key, combining CSI and PUF, will be a solution to protect IoTs from wiretapping."

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Source: Yonhap News (Dec. 14, 2022)

** This article was translated from Korean.