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Korea's Economic Fundamentals

Korea's Economic Fundamentals
Aa2(Stable) Sovereign Credit Rating(*Source: Moody's(2023))/10th GDP(*Source: World Bank(2022))/6th Trade(*Source: Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy(2022))
*Source: Moody’s (2023), World Bank, Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (2022)

Stability and Growth in the Heart of Asia

  • Sovereign Stability

    Korea's strong economic stability is reflected in its sovereign credit rating, an affirmation of robust financial health and a promising investment landscape.

Global Standing

This remarkable economic stature reflects its innovative industries and robust global commerce,
positioning Korea as a leading nation shaping the future of the global market.

Manufacturing Powerhouse

The cornerstone of Korea's dynamic economy is its world-class manufacturing sector,
contributing a significant 25.4% to the nation's GDP—outpacing many of its global counterparts.
Manufacturing-to-GDP Ratio(2021) 25.4%
Korea in Global Market
OLED 79.4%, DRAM 72.8%, Shipbuilding 38.0%, Smartphone 21.6%, Battery 23.7%, Automotive 7.3%
*Source: World Bank (2021), IDC, STATISTA, Clarksons, TrendForce, KAMA, SNE Research (2022)

Korea in the Global Market

Korea boasts a diverse range of advanced manufacturing industries, with a dominant presence in the global OLED
and DRAM markets, accounting for over 70%. Also, Korea holds more than 20% of the shipbuilding, EV battery,
and smartphone markets, and 7.3% of the automobile market.

Korea's Aspiration

Pioneering the Future with Technological Excellence and Innovation
Semiconductor World Largest Cluster 1st(2042), Batery 1st(2030), Display 1st(2027), Future Mobility 3rd(2030), Bio Manufacturing No.1 CDMO Capacity 1st(2025)
*Source: Ministry of Trade, Industry&Energy(2023)
*Source: Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (2023)

Innovation, Expertise, and Commitment

Korea's aspiration is not just about leading rankings but about shaping a future where technology enhances every aspect of life. From the chips that power our devices to the sustainable energy solutions and biotechnologies that improve health outcomes, Korea's commitment to innovation is unwavering.


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