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Ulsan Hold First Council Meeting for '2017 Visit Ulsan Year'

(ULSAN=NEWSIS) Ulsan held the first council meeting to discuss details of its '2017 Visit Ulsan Year' project on July 14 at a conference room in the city hall.

The meeting was attended by 20 representatives from public organizations, private companies, and academic communities including the Korea Tourism Organization, Korail, the Korea Airports Corporation, Hyundai Motor Company, SK Energy, and S-Oil.

The council was organized for planning and consultation of the project as well as execution of cooperation projects among organizations.

Marking the 20th anniversary of being promoted to a metropolitan city, Ulsan city announced its plan for '2017 Visit Ulsan Year' last April and has since pushed forward the tourism project.

Source Text

Source: Newsis (Jul. 14, 2016)
** This article was translated from the Korean.