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Ulsan to complete the Shipbuilding·Marine ICT Convergence Cluster by 2023

According to Yonhap News,

(ULSAN=Yonhap News) On October 10, Ulsan City and the Ulsan ICT Promotion Agency(UIPA) held the "Final Consignment Research Project Report for the Establishment of the Shipbuilding·Marine ICT Convergence Cluster," at a conference room in Ulsan.

The purpose of the Shipbuilding·Marine ICT Convergence Cluster is to innovate the shipbuilding and marine industries by collaborating with local R&D infrastructures such as the Shipbuilding·Marine Innovation Support Institution, universities, and SMEs.

The Cluster aims to revitalize the local industrial ecosystem by providing support to various fields of shipbuilding·marine ICT including young startups, education and training, and enterprise support.

Through the consignment research project, the city and UIPA completed the feasibility study for the shipbuilding·marine ICT convergence cluster project, the establishment of the Cluster's vision and a long-term road-map, the development of key tasks, and the establishment of a detailed implementation plan.

Based on the final report, UIPA decided to enter the "2019 SW Convergence Cluster 2.0 Project," a contest held by the Ministry of Science and ICT.

The SW Convergence Cluster 2.0 Project aims to support the creation and activation of industrial ecosystem by converging ICT with local mainstream industries.

If wins the contest, the city will receive government funds and complete creating the Convergence Cluster by 2023. The fund will also help contribute to revitalize the shipbuilding·marine ICT convergence ecosystem.

UIPA will strive towards integrating the ICT convergence technology, the fourth industrial revolution's key technology, with the shipbuilding and marine industries, the main industries of Ulsan; it will create a win-win business cooperation between industries that results in the creation of better jobs.

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** This article was translated from Korean.

Source: Yonhap News (December 10, 2018)