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Ulsan city-KOTRA to run IKMP to help local entrepreneurs

According to Yonhap News,

The city of Ulsan announced on Feb. 10 that the local authorities are embarking on a joint project called ‘IKMP (Invest Korea Market Place)’, a matching platform designed to connect potential investors and investees, with KOTRA IK (Invest Korea).

The project aims to help small capable entrepreneurs with little resources for marketing or branding meet with global investors, who can finance and make the investees further competent on the global stage. The IKMP service range extends from investment ad materials production, posting web portal sites for FDI attraction onto IK online page and to inviting entrepreneurs to KOTRA’s official events for investment promotion home and abroad.

The two year service period comes to an end from the moment when the applicants are selected to join the service. Six local enterprises in the city, so far, have been the members of IKMP.

Anyone who wants to join the program must fill out the application form and click on for submission until Feb. 29.

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Source: Newsis (Feb 10 , 2020)

*This article was translated from Korean.