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Ulsan city hosted an IR briefing session with members of ECCK on Oct 30

According to Yonhap News,

At the presence of business representatives from the EU and members of the EU embassies, the city of Ulsan hosted an “Investor Relations (IR) Briefing Session with Members of ECCK (European Chamber of Commerce in Korea)” on Oct 30 in order to let the attendees learn more on the city-led highly prospective investment projects and to ramp up commitment to FDI promotion by forging institutional networks.

With a welcoming remark given by Busan city economic deputy mayor, the chairman of ECCK, Dirk Lukat, and several others delivered a key note speech, alongside briefing sessions and luncheon party.

At the pitching and presentation session, the city introduced an industry infrastructure city-wide, investment incentives, the city’s key growth drivers and energy business like offshore-wind turbine, powered by hydrogen energy sources, Ulsan Free Economic Zones and Ulsan Hightech Valley.

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Source: Yonhap News (Oct 30, 2020)