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Ulsan city hosted an online investment pitch event targeting German VCs and enterprises

According to Yonhap News,

Ulsan city kick started a city-led virtual investment pitch and networking events in an attempt to well navigate through the COVID-19- triggered full of uncertainties and worldwide travel bans. The city hosted a contact-free investment pitch event on Dec 2, targeting potential investors in Germany.

The city has accepted application forms of 30 German enterprises involved in renewable energy, industrial gas and petrochemical industries interested in the pitch event by the end of last month.

The city government introduced the current status of Ulsan's main industries and new growth industries, and the tax exemption programs to incentivize foreign investors. The attendees invited to the pitch presentation were allowed to join virtual one-on-one business meeting via social media platforms as part of post-event services. For those uninvited, the city also ran an FDI promotion week after the show, PRing investment climate in the city of Ulsan.

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Source: Yonhap News (Dec 2, 2020)

** This article was translated from Korean.