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Ulsan city attracted 66 local hidden champions this year alone

According to Yonhap News,

Ulsan city said they’ve successfully attracted 66 small but strong hidden champions this year alone. The number far outstrips what they’ve originally meant to. Ulsan city has pushed for an initiative since last year to attract local hidden champions unveiling detailed guidelines; the amendment of relevant legislation, identifying potential targets, support work to incentivize candidates and PRing events.

The city plans to make the initiative fully underway from early next year, while running an ads and pitch events to help VC startups move into the community. They also form a TF responsible for investment promotion to match between the city and the potential investees.

By securing spatial workplace in Ulsan Technopark and National IT Industry Promotion Agency, (NIPA), the city provides biz-support programs by each startup’s growth stage, developing a mutually beneficial win-win strategy for both large and small businesses.

With the package of incentives, the city government helps local hidden champions developing technologies of knowledge services, hydrogen economy, future mobility, bio-health solutions and 3D printing applications move into the city district.

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Source: Yonhap News (Dec 8, 2020)

** This article was translated from Korean.