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Ulsan city to run an accelerator program to help 30 biz expand into markets in Southeast Asia

According to Yonhap News,

The city of Ulsan announced on May 25 the launch of its business support program, which aims to help locally based entrepreneurs start, scale up and expand business into global market. The annual program, which has started since 2019, is part of startup / early stage business (less than seven years) accelerator program, an intensive business development program to help early or growth stage startups form larger sales channels and networks across the world.

The city picks out 30 potential candidates running business less than seven years and interested in tapping into markets in Southeast Asian countries in the first half of this year.

The program is co-sponsored by Ulsan Technopark and Saigon Innovation Hub, a Vietnamese startup incubating and accelerating institution.

The program focuses on mentorship and all-encompassing educational components, which enables entrepreneurs to learn basics of business expansion; setting up marketing strategies targeting Southeast Asia markets; and how to raise funds from VC investors etc. It also entails one-on-one business consulting sessions with industry specialists and business networking and matching service by which the program participants build up business relations with local buyers and partners.

Anyone interested in the program can apply to Ulsan Technopark until June 4.

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Source:Yonhap News (May 25, 2021)

** This article was translated from Korean.