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Ministry of Environment to promote pilot operation of long-distance hydrogen buses

Long-distance hydrogen bus [Provided by Ministry of Environment]

According to Newsis,

To reduce carbon emissions, the Ministry of Environment(MOE) is promoting a project to replace not only existing city buses, but also long-distance intercity buses and commuter buses with hydrogen buses.

MOE announced on the 10th that it would hold the 'Hydrogen solid-state (long-distance) bus pilot project' at the Biz Convention Center in Gimhae on the afternoon of the 11th with Busan Metropolitan City, Ulsan Metropolitan City, Gyeongsangnam-do, and Hyundai Motor Company.

The project is one of the follow-up measures of the 'Business Agreement for the Expansion and Support of the Busan-Ulsan-Gyeongnam Hydrogen Buses' signed in January of this year.

It will be conducted for about a month from August 12th with cooperation from the manufacturer for one hydrogen bus scheduled to be released in the second half of the year. During the period, hydrogen buses will be operated sequentially, including one intercity bus route among Busan, Ulsan and Gyeongnam, three commuter bus routes, and one shuttle bus route.

MOE plans to verify the convenience (variants on rideability, such as noise and vibration), economic feasibility (operation and maintenance costs), and performance (performance and quality of major parts) of hydrogen solid-state buses through a pilot project.

In addition, inspections for situations that may occur during actual operation, such as the use of hydrogen refueling stations within the route section, and inspections in case of breakdowns or accidents, are also conducted.

MOE plans to quickly analyze the results of the pilot project to identify and supplement the deficiencies before the regular mass production of hydrogen solid-state buses in the fourth quarter of this year.

Park Yeon-jae, director of air environment policy at MOE, said, "Large-sized buses using diesel emit 30 times more greenhouse gas and 43 times more fine dust than passenger cars. We plan to gradually expand the hydrogen bus service to not only intercity buses but also commuter and shuttle buses from the fourth quarter of this year by successfully implementing this pilot project."

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Source: Newsis (August, 10, 2022)

** This article was translated from the Korean.