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Investment in Revitalizing Traditional Markets Amounts to KRW 77.8 bln for 10 Years in Ulsan
제목 없음

According to Yonhap News,


Ulsan City has turned out to have invested KRW 77.8 billion in revitalizing traditional markets from 2001 to 2010.


According to Ulsan on April 13th, the City has modernized 33 traditional markets in the region by setting up arcades, building parking lots, and improving the overall environment.


The newly set-up arcades are 4,503m in total length in 17 markets, and eight markets now have new parking lots. The overall conditions of 29 markets have been improved with old electricity facilities recently replaced with new ones.


Also, the City will operate classes for merchants, launch customer centers, provide tailored education to store owners, hold events for customers, offer bargain sales, expand the use of onnuri vouchers, reduce commissions for credit cards.


Thanks to these efforts, Ulsan was evaluated to be above the national average in terms of appeal to customers and facilities in a survey on traditional markets across Korea conducted by Agency for Traditional Market Administration.


Ulsan plans to inject KRW 8 billion this year to nurture markets offering cultural tourism, improve general environment, build parking lots, and make market facilities safer for 25 regional traditional markets.


Source Text


Source: Yonhap News (April 13, 2011)


**This is an English translation of a Korean news article.