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Cargo Traffic Rose 8.9% Year-on-Year in Ulsan
제목 없음

According to Yonhap News,

Cargo traffic in Ulsan port increased by 8.9% year-on-year in May thanks to increase in liquid cargo.

According to Ulsan Port Authority, cargo traffic in May amounted 162 million tons.

Import cargo, export cargo, transhipment cargo and coastwise cargo recorded 8.24 million tons, 5.55 million tons, 230 thousand tons, 2.18 million tons, respecitvely.

Liquid cargo increased 10.6% year-on-year thanks to increase in crude oil, increase of exports of refined oils.

Liquid cargo accounts for 80% of total cargo traffic.

Container traffic declined by 7.2% compared with the same month of last year, and general cargo traffic rose 2.8% on booming car exports.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (June 21, 2011)

**This is an English translation of a Korean news article.