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Korean Women's International Network to be Held in Ulsan from August 29th to September 1st
제목 없음

According to Yonhap News,

Korean Women's International Network(KOWIN) will be held in Ulsan from August 29 to September 1.

According to Ulsan city, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family has held the KOWIN since 2001 to strengthen solidarity of Korean women at home and abroad.

This year's KOWIN will bring about 500 Korean women leaders who are active in various fields such as economy, society, culture, and arts.

The theme of the conference is 'Global Korean women lead green Korea'.

Aside from keynote speeches, and debates, participants will have the opportunity to experience eco-friendly Ulsan city.

The city expects that the event can boost the local economy, help Ulsan city build the image as a green city.

A city official said "The conference is aimed at developing Korean women resources, and promoting the Ulsan city. In particular, this year's event is a good opportunity to spread Ulsan city to the world."

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (June 28, 2011)

** This is an English translation of a Korean news article.