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KRTC to Cultivate Oil Refinery Experts
제목 없음

According to Yonhap News,


SK Energy, Korea's leading energy and petrochemical company, decided to team up with the Ministry of Employment and Labor (MEL) and Ulsan City to establish Korea Refinery Training Center (KRTC). The center is designed to cultivate experts in the oil refinery sector to respond to demands of not only domestic oil companies, a major driving engine of developing Korea into a major petrochemical exporter at a country where a single drop of oil is not produced but also overseas oil companies.

The MEL and Ulsan City will be responsible for constructing the KRTC building and SK Energy for conducting technical and technological education. Ulsan campus of Korea Polytechnics also turned out to join the education later.

SK Energy decided to cooperate in the KRTC project to fulfill its social corporate responsibility. The petrochemical company already invested 102 billion won in Ulsan Grand Park in 2006.

The company makes profits by exporting its know-how of operating oil refineries to abroad including Singapore and even Kuwait, an oil producing country.

About 20 billion won will be injected into building the center involving a dormitory. About 100-200 students will study at the center via a one-year program. In addition, as much as 800,000 won of scholarships will be granted to students monthly.

Ulsan expects the center to open in as early as 2015.

"SK has accumulated five decades of technology, data and know-how of operating oil refineries," said an SK official. "Based on this, we can teach students technology related to oil refinery and factory operation, which will contribute to sustainable development of the domestic petrochemical industry as well as job creation for young job seekers."

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Jan. 9, 2013)

** This is the translation of a Korean article.