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2013 ISIE Conference Opens in Ulsan

International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE)’s biennial conference will open tomorrow in Ulsan.

About 500 environmental experts, policy makers, and professors from around 50 countries will attend the conference which will be continued until Saturday.

The ISIE conference will be begin with an opening ceremony tomorrow until Friday.

About 550 papers in 16 fields of industrial ecology including 354 presentations and 198 poster sessions will be presented during the conference.

Industrial Symbiosis Research Symposium is to be held in University of Ulsan on Sunday and today.

Symposium on Industrial Ecology for Young Professionals also awaits participants on Saturday in the University of Ulsan.

A city tour for coexistence with industries will be provided Wednesday.

The ISIE conference is hosted and organized by the ISIE, Korean Society for Industrial Ecology (KSIE), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) and the National Institute for Environmental Studies of Japan and sponsored by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Ulsan city, Korea Industrial Complex Corp. and Ulsan University.


Source Text: Newsis (June 24, 2013)

** This article was translated from the Korean.