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Ulsan City, Ulsan Korcham and World OKTA Singed Economic Cooperation MOU

According to Yonhap News,

(ULSAN=Yonhap News) Ulsan City, the Ulsan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Ulsan Korcham) and the World Federation of Overseas Korean Traders Associations (World OKTA) signed a memorandum of understanding on April 20 to build a global economic cooperation network.


The three parties have agreed to share information on investment and trade promotion, hold joint meetings and conferences and cooperate to promote investment and trade.

Also, they will support and enhance exchanges between small- and medium-sized companies (SMEs) in Ulsan and World OKTA member companies.

The World OKTA will hold its annual World-OKTA Leaders Convention and The Export Discussion Meeting in Ulsan in 2016.

The World-OKTA Leaders Convention and The Export Discussion Meeting promotes investment and trade in Korea through the visits of 600 Korean CEOs in 68 countries.

The World OKTA participated in the investment conference for global Korean economic leaders, which was held in Ulsan.

The conference held IR sessions on the development projects of the region, introduced best products of regional SMEs and an economic forum to seek strategies to help regional SMEs to enter the overseas markets.

Ulsan plans to build an economic cooperation network with Korean companies in other countries to help regional SMEs to make inroads into overseas markets. The city will also materialize the information of participating companies and use it for Ulsan’s marketing activities.

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Source: Yonhap News (April 20, 2015)

** This article was translated from the Korean.