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Ulju County Builds Seoulju Cultural Center

According to Yonhap News,

(ULSAN=Yonhap News) Ulju County announced July 29 that it will build a Seoulju cultural center in 2017. The county held an interim report on the basic plan of the project.

The county runs various cultural and arts institutions including the Ulju Arts Center, O Yeong-su literary house, youth training center, Onyang culture and welfare center and Onyang culture and sports center.

However, many pointed out that Seoulju lacks cultural institutions despite its abundant historic and cultural resources.

The county hopes the center will become the hub of cultural activities, surrounding the six eups and myeons of Seoulju including Eonyang, Dudong, Duseo, Sangbuk, Samnam and Samdong.

The county will hold a final briefing session in the coming November and begin construction in 2017.

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Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Jul. 29, 2015)

** This article was translated from the Korean.