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Jeju Science Park No. 2

■ Bird’s-eye View

■ Investment Advantages

ㅇAn industrial complex that creates new values to nurture growth
- Research-type business hub for advanced IT, BT, ET industries
- High-tech industry promotion cluster for Jeju Island

■ Project Overview

ㅇLocation: Wolpyeong-dong, Jeju-si, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
ㅇArea: 848,163 m²
ㅇPeriod: 2014 - 2021
ㅇScale: KRW 138.5 billion
ㅇDesignation/development method: national industrial complex / public development
ㅇBusiness types: IT, BT, ET, R&D-related companies and research centers, etc.

■ Project History

ㅇApplication of the 2nd Jeju International Free City comprehensive plan (December 2011)
ㅇApproval of the Jeju International Free City Development Center implementation plan (September 2012)
ㅇFeasibility study and basic plan establishment (May 2014)
ㅇZone designation and development plan approval (December 2016)
ㅇImplementation plan approved (December 2017)
ㅇGroundwork begins (January 2018)
ㅇConstruction ends, move-ins begin (December 2019)

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