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Excellent R&D Infrastructure for Businesses

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Excellent R&D Infrastructure for Businesses

  • Daegu City has established R&D infrastructure based on the cooperation between the industry and academia, and has operated a number of public research institutes and technology research centers to support companies' R&D activities
  • With the designation of Daegu R&D Special Zone, Daegu is emerging as a hub for future growth engines and a key pillar of the inland high-tech science belt which links Daejeon, Gwangju, and Daegu.
Company support institutes
Company support institutes : Institutes, Foundation date, Function, Website
Institutes Foundation date Function Website
Daegu Technopark ’98.12.2 Foster venture starup companies
Nurture strategic industries-nano convergence, mobile convergence, bio, oriental medicine insudtries -Cultivate future convergence and new industries
National Institute of Korean Medicine Development (NIKOM) ’06. 8. 7 Nurture Korea's traditional medicine
Daegu Digital Industry Promotion Agency(DIP) ’01.12. 1 Foster IT& CT industries
Daegu Machinery Institute of Components & Materials ’01. 8. 1 Promote the machinery and metal industries
(machinery components and materials, mechatronics components, next generation moulding technology)
Korea Intelligent Automotive Parts Promotion Institute (KIAPPI) ’08. 4. 2 Develop the automotive parts industry (smart cars)
Korea Textile Development Institute ’83. 9. 1 Nurture the textile industry
DYTEC Research Institute ’94.12.20 Develop technologoes of new textile industries
Korea Research Institute for Fashion Industry ’10. 4. 1 Support R&D in textile and fashion industries
Korea Optical Industry Agency (KOIA) ’04. 5. 4 Foster optical industries
Integrated Medical Promotion Agency ’09.12.11 medical treatment which combines both western and oriental medicine practice, health and social care in the communities -
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation (DGMIF) ’10.12.14 development of new drugs and medical technologies, animal testing, clinical trials and production of new drugs -
R&D centers designated by the government
R&D centers designated by the government : Competent Ministry, Program, Center, Organization, Foundation
Competent Ministry Program Center Organization Foundation
The Ministry of Knowledge Economy Regional Innovation Center (RIC) The Center for Automotive Parts Technology Keimyung University (KMU) 1996
Traditional Microorganism
Resources Center
KMU 2001
Advanced Display
Manufacturing Research Center
Kyungpook National University (KNU) 2002
The Research Center for
Biomedical Resources of Oriental Medicine
Daegu Haany University 2003
Regional Innovation Center for
High Speed Precision Mold Die
Yeungjin College 2003
The Center for Automotive
Mechatronics Parts
KMU 2006
R&D Cluster The Advanced Medical Technology Cluster for
Diagnosis and Prediction
KNU 2004
Industrial Technology
Promotion Program
Mobile Display Research Center KNU 2005
Display Technology Education Center KNU 2003
National Education Center for
Semiconductor Technology
KNU 2001
Information Technology
Research Center
Center for U-Healthcare
Convergence Network
KNU 2008
The Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology
Medical Research Center (MRC) Chronic Disease Research Center KMU 2002
Craniofacial Dysfunction Research Center KNU 2008
Engineering Research Center (ERC) Center for Functional Devices Fusion Platform KNU 2008
Science Research Center (SRC) Center for Food & Nutritional Genomics KNU 2008
Regional Core Research Anti-aging & Wellbeing
Research Center
KNU 2009
Priority Research Center Research Institute of
Advanced Energy Technology
KNU 2009
Institute of Mechanical
Engineering Technology (Robot)
KNU 2010
The Ministry of
Health & Welfare
Health & Medical
Technology R&D Program
Skeletal Diseases Genome Research Center Kyungpook
National University Hospital
Advanced Research Center for
Recovery of Human Sensibility
KNU 2002
Clinical Trial Center Kyungpook
National University Hospital
Clinical Trial Center for Medical Devices Yeungnam University Medical Center 2008
Clinical Research Center for End Stage Renal Disease Kyungpook
National University Hospital
Research institutes funded by the government
Research institutes funded by the government : Research institutes, Foundation date, Function
Research institutes Foundation date Function
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology
Sept. 7, 2004
  • R&D for regional industries and technology advancement
  • Human resources development by establishing bachelor's, master's and doctor's courses
Korea Institute for Robot Industry Advancement June 25, 2010
  • Policy establishment and provision of information services
  • Distribution of robots and human resource development
Daegu Gyeongbuk Research Center of Electronics and
Telecommunications Research Institute
April 19, 2006
  • Policy planning and information sharing service
  • Transfer of source technologies owned by ETRI, and the provision of technology information
Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials Daegu Research Center May 25, 2009
  • Technology support for SMEs
    (new and renewable energy, IT, convergence, etc.)
Korea Basic Science Institute Daegu Center Jan. 1, 2011
  • Source technology development in the convergence precision and micro machinery sector
  • Core technology development and transfer of production facilities in the low carbon green energy sector
Daegu Center of
Korea Basic Science Institute
April 13, 1992
  • Support for research in the application of nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray diffraction, electronics, microscope, and other instruments
  • Science education support for teenagers to make science popular
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Research Center of
Korea Automotive Technology Institute
Dec. 31, 2009
  • Establishment of foundation for technology independence aimed to advance the auto parts industry
  • Support for auto parts technology development
Innopolis Daegu March 2, 2011 commercialization of innovative technologies and biz-support in Innopolis
Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI) Oct. 14, 2011 Concentration of research capabilities: cerebral science and brain physiology, neural engineering, cognitive science etc.