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[한국 투자환경 / 영상] Finding Business Opportunities in Korea - Voices from Korea
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Finding Business Opportunities in Korea Voices from Korea Why is the world paying attention to Korea? HIGH-TECH INDUSTRY TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION FAST MOVER STABLE ECONOMY / SOVEREIGN CREDIT GOVERNMENT SUPPORT PARTNERSHIP -With 56 Countries, 77% of World GDP Foreign-Invested Companies in Korea People who have invested in the value of the national brand of Korea GLOBAL INVESTORS WHO CHOSE KOREA LET’S HEAR THEIR STORY 1. Korea’s Strong Assets Korea's response to the COVID-19 pandemic was quite impressive. The government’s quick action to disseminate accurate information was very important in stabilizing the situation early on, especially regarding decision-making. It is worthy to note that even during the height of the pandemic situation, there was no panic shopping, everybody remained calm. Moreover, there was no lockdown or suspension of business operation, and this has helped the companies that operate in Korea tremendously. The way Korea has countered the COVID-19 crisis was sound and innovative, pioneering new testing methods such as "Walk-thru" or "Drive-thru" systems. Making full use of its superior digital capabilities, Korea also has come up with breakthroughs such as a self-symptom reporting mobile app or online contact-tracing app, based on smart city technologies. Technology-related business opportunities We serve a variety of customers from the sites, and particularly major customers including Samsung Group, Hynix group, and LG, along with others. The Korean market is a very attractive one for us, as there is a lot of technology-related business in Korea. Outstanding Human Resources (High Education Level (College Graduation Rate of OECD) There are highly educated people who have skills that very well match to the needs of our business, and we have no problem attracting such people to Merck. I am very proud of the fact that some of IKEA’s top-selling stores worldwide are right here in Korea. We see that Korean consumers are very fashionable and trendy, both leading and creating new trends. One thing that I am really amazed by is the fact that they have this “Can Do Spirit“ in Korea, which means that everything is possible. That is really fascinating. 2. Korea’s Dynamic Future Korea is a country with enormous potential. Take its digital infrastructure for example. (ICT PowerhouseSuper-fast 4G (No.1 4G Download Speed (2019)(Average Download Speed, Mbps)5G Commercialization (World’s first 5G commercialization)(April 3, 2019)Broad Network (No. 1 in ICT Adoption)(2019, 2018) Korea boasts super-fast connection speed and the largest 4G network coverage in the entire world, which enables the country to get the better of shaping the future of digital economy. It’s not the end, it is just a start. (Green New Deal-Urban greening projects-DER & carbon-free energy systems (*Distributed Energy Resources) Green Innovation ecosystem The government is launching ambitious initiatives to move forward toward clean and sustainable energy sources, offering many opportunities. That enables us ‘Siemens Energy’ to drive projects for transforming energy systems here in Korea to deal with climate change. I am often asked, “What kinds of companies are successful here in Korea?” Let me give you a few examples. First, manufacturing: Many iconic U.S. companies such as GM and Johnson Controls have located major manufacturing facilities in Korea. Second, healthcare. Companies such as Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson are successfully investing in Korea. 3. Korea’s pro-investment policies South Korea is always ready to support foreign investors. We have plenty of options to incentivize FDI in Korea such as deductions for rental property or tariffs, We’re planning to provide tailored incentives by accommodating a special investment zone, dedicated to attracting investment in cutting-edge technologies. Investors can be given cash grants, One-Stop Service Pre-Investment Services –Provide information

Finding Business Opportunities in Korea
Voices from Korea
왜 세계는 한국에 주목하는가?
Why is the world paying attention to Korea?
-With 56 Countries, 77% of World GDP
Foreign-Invested Companies in Korea
한국이라는 국가 브랜드의 가치에 대해 투자한 투자자들
People who have invested in the value of the national brand of Korea
그들의 이야기를 들어보자

1. Korea’s Strong Assets
가. 코로나 대응 관련 한국 경쟁력
1. Korea’s Strong Assets
한국의 코로나19 대응은 인상깊었습니다.
Korea's response to the COVID-19 pandemic was quite impressive.
한국 정부는 투명하게 정보를 공개했고,
The government’s quick action to disseminate accurate information was very important in stabilizing the situation early on, especially regarding decision-making.
생필품을 사재기 하지 않는 성숙한 시민 의식이 특히 기억에 남습니다.
It is worthy to note that even during the height of the pandemic situation, there was no panic shopping, everybody remained calm.
코로나19가 심각한 때에도 봉쇄나 이동금지 조치에 의해 문을 닫은 기업이 없어 안정적으로 한국 내 경영을 지속할 수 있었으며,
Moreover, there was no lockdown or suspension of business operation, and this has helped the companies that operate in Korea tremendously.
한국은 혁신적으로, 그리고 안정적으로 코로나 19에 대응하였습니다.
The way Korea has countered the COVID-19 crisis was sound and innovative,
드라이브스루, 워킹스루 등 기존에 없던 방식으로 대응했으며,
pioneering new testing methods such as "Walk-thru" or "Drive-thru" systems.
자가진단 앱, 스마트시티 기술 기반의 확진자 동선 추적 등 IT 기술을 적극 활용하였습니다.
Making full use of its superior digital capabilities, Korea also has come up with breakthroughs such as a self-symptom reporting mobile app or online contact-tracing app, based on smart city technologies.

나. 주력산업 경쟁력
Technology-related business opportunities
현재는 우리는 삼성, SK, LG와 같은 주요기업을 포함하여 다양한 고객들에게 납품 하고 있습니다.
We serve a variety of customers from the sites, and particularly major customers including Samsung Group, Hynix group, and LG, along with others.
한국은 기술과 관련된 비즈니스가 많기 때문에 아주 매력적인 곳입니다. 
The Korean market is a very attractive one for us, as there is a lot of technology-related business in Korea.
Outstanding Human Resources
기술사업을 추진하기 위해서는 우수한 인력이 중요하며, 한국을 이를 위한 최적지입니다.
(그래프: High Education Level (College Graduation Rate of OECD)
There are highly educated people who have skills that very well match to the needs of our business, and we have no problem attracting such people to Merck.

다. 소비시장 및 비즈니스 경쟁력
전세계 이케아 매장 중 한국 지점의 매출액은 항상 상위권을 유지하고 있습니다.
I am very proud of the fact that some of IKEA’s top-selling stores worldwide are right here in Korea.
소비자들은 유행에 민감하여 시장 트렌드를 주도하고, 심지어  창출하기도 합니다.
We see that Korean consumers are very fashionable and trendy, both leading and creating new trends.
한국에 대해 가장 인상 깊은 것은 “하면된다(Can Do Spiriit)” 라는 자세입니다. 정말 매력적이죠.(우측상단 Can Do Spirit)
One thing that I am really amazed by is the fact that they have this “Can Do Spirit“ in Korea, which means that everything is possible. That is really fascinating.

2. Korea’s Dynamic Future
한국은 잠재력이 풍부한 나라입니다. 먼저 IT 인프라에서 그 잠재력을 찾을 수 있죠. 
Korea is a country with enormous potential. Take its digital infrastructure for example.
4G 커버리지 세계 1위, 인터넷 다운로드 속도 1위 등 세계에서 손에 꼽는 인프라를 갖고 있어 디지털 전환에 있어 경쟁력을 갖고 있다고 생각합니다. \
(ICT PowerhouseSuper-fast 4G (No.1 4G Download Speed (2019)(Average Download Speed, Mbps)5G Commercialization (World’s first 5G commercialization)(April 3, 2019)Broad Network (No. 1 in ICT Adoption)(2019, 2018)
Korea boasts super-fast connection speed and the largest 4G network coverage in the entire world, which enables the country to get the better of shaping the future of digital economy.
이것뿐만이 아닙니다.
(우측상단 Green Korea)
It’s not the end, it is just a start.
한국 정부는 재생에너지 산업을 적극적으로 육성하고자 하기에, 세계적인 기후변화 극복을 위한 지멘스 에너지 사업 역시 한국에서 추진하고자 합니다.
(Green New Deal-Urban greening projects-DER & carbon-free energy systems (*Distributed Energy Resources)
Green Innovation ecosystem
The government is launching ambitious initiatives to move forward toward clean and sustainable energy sources, offering many opportunities. That enables us ‘Siemens Energy’ to drive projects for transforming energy systems here in Korea to deal with climate change.
어느 기업들이 한국에서 성공했는지 궁금해 하는 분들이 많습니다. 몇 가지의 예시를 들어보죠.
(우측상단 Best Practices)
I am often asked, “What kinds of companies are successful here in Korea?” Let me give you a few examples.
첫째, 제조업입니다. GM, Johnson Controls 등의 유명한 제조 산업군 기업들의 주요 생산시설은 한국에 입지중입니다.
First, manufacturing: Many iconic U.S. companies such as GM and Johnson Controls have located major manufacturing facilities in Korea.
둘째, 헬스케어 산업입니다. Pfizer나 Johnson & Johnson 등의 기업들은 국내에 성공적으로 투자를 유치하고 있습니다.
Second, healthcare. Companies such as Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson are successfully investing in Korea.

3. Korea’s pro-investment policies
한국 정부는 적극적으로 투자가를 지원합니다.
South Korea is always ready to support foreign investors.
임대료, 관세 감면 등의 혜택을 제공하고 있으며,
We have plenty of options to incentivize FDI in Korea such as deductions for rental property or tariffs,
향후, 첨단 분야 투자유치를 위해 ‘첨단투자지구’를 지정하여 맞춤형 인센티브를 제공할 예정입니다.
We’re planning to provide tailored incentives by accommodating a special investment zone, dedicated to attracting investment in cutting-edge technologies.
이외에도 외국인투자가를 위한 현금지원 제도도 운영하고 있으며,
Investors can be given cash grants,
투자 전 상담부터 투자 후 애로사항 해소까지 원스톱서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.
One-Stop Service
Pre-Investment Services –Provide information and administrative support
Investment Services –Support site surveys, partner search and incentive negotiations
Post-Investment Services –Resolve investors’ grievances-Improve the business and living environment
Invest KOREA’s website (www.investkorea.org) provides a great deal of information on Korea.
and they can enjoy a one stop solution which extends from counsel services in the initial, pre-investment stage to grievance resolution in the post-investment stage.

對韓투자유치 이미지 및 영상
Finding Business Opportunities in Korea
